
The Branding and Content Game

It’s a game of Show & Tell. Branding, Content and your customers. This is an update of what AdBrand and VideOh have been busy with over the past few months. Engaging millions and refreshing brands through the psychology of the consumer environment. You know who we are, but may not know how we do ...

How can I get to the right customers?

Sometimes you need to speak softly, in order to make people listen harder. We are story-showers. What does that mean? With a dramatic shift in ‘consumer content consumption’ since the start of this year, you need to understand how to reach them without ‘throwing money’ at adspend. It’s our responsibility to ensure ...

Social Media Management Is Dead

Finally, Social Media Marketing is Dead. You’ll have noticed over the months or years, that many social media agencies are struggling with the ability to deliver ROI, real results – this isn’t just down to them of course, it’s the ever-evolving algorithms. So, following our accolade as disrupters – we wanted to ...

What is the best Video Content Duration?

Great question. You’re probably thinking “Video Content Duration, 10 seconds to one minute long” right?! After all, we’ve all been told that nobody has the attention span for anything much longer than that. The accepted ‘Marketing Maharishis’ announce that we must keep our videos short in order to get any ...

How Video Has Changed Tourism

Is video changing tourism? Yes it is. Visitors are experience led. Stop selling product – sell the experience of your property, and do it through video. ‘Travallers’ are spending more time watching online videos than ever before. Views of travel-related content are up 118% year over year and according to the ...
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